Friday, June 1, 2007

Post 21

It's hard for me to decide a topic for my closing post. So, I will ramble about a few things I feel that I've picked up through the term in this class.

First and foremost, I've gained a better respect for other religions. Honestly, I used to critize Catholics more than any others. Even though I don't exactly agree with a good portion of what the Catholic Church stands for, I respect them, and I understand how and why it is the way it is.

Secondly, this class has awakened a religious inquisitiveness within me. For the remainder of my life I will be taking a much closer look at religions and my surroundings, and how they are affected by religion.

Third, I feel like I have a whole new angle to take history from. Granted, I knew of the obvious religious movements and some of the denominations before this class, but now I can look at every aspect of history and ask myself how religion played a part in it.

Well, I think I could go on listing things for awhile. I'm going go eat breakfast before class, though. It's been real, it's been fun, just not real fun. Hah.

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